Practice Management Consulting MBAC offers a level of experience with practice management that extends far beyond billing and reimbursement. To run a successful practice in today's economy, and to maximize profit, all aspects of one's business must be considered.
The following are just a few of the practice management services we offer: - Accounting and Bookkeeping Services - Evaluation of staffing needs - Office Policy and Procedure Manuals and Reviews - Quality Assurance Program Development - Compliance Programs - Fee Schedule Reviews - Assistance with implementing changes to CPT, ICD-9 and HCPCS coding - Accounts Receivable Analysis - Training and Continuing Education Programs - Billing and Reimbursement Anaysis
Whether initiating a new medical practice or improving an existing one, MBAC has the expertise and resources to guide and support your business practice as you concentrate on your profession. As a professional management consulting firm, MBAC can streamline your practice and "bridge the gap" between medicine and business.
Additional Services - Managed Care Consulting: HMOs, PPOs, IPAs, and many other managed care delivery systems make up the managed care options that exist today. The commitment of time necessary to successfully negotiate with these entities is often overwhelming for a health care provider. MBAC has the staff, experience and resources to assist you in these negotiations, assure you the most beneficial results from your managed care contracts and wll allow you to devote your valuable time to your patients.
- Coding, Reimbursemnt, and Auditing Services Our coding specialists combine their knowledge of anatomy and physiology with the most current coding structure to ensure maximum reimbursement.
- Accreditation Services Accreditation is the highest form of public recognition a health care provider can receive for the quality of care it provides. Accreditation can enhance a provider's strategic management decision making process.
- Ambulatory Surgical Center Development One of the best ways to offer high quality patient care is by performing surgeries in a high quality, physician owned ambulatory surgical center. MBAC's expertise in the development and management of ambulatory surgical centers will enable you to be up and running in no time.
- Value-Added Services * Accounting and Tax Services * Health care and Corporate Attorneys * Anesthesia Services * Pharmacy Consultants * Nursing Consultants * Bio-Medical Technologists * Group Purchasing Contracts